Youth Unlimited Montreal Job Board
La Corde support staff
The La Corde support staff will works with young people connected with the La Corde community. You will be given the freedom to pursue your calling at La Corde but also the larger MYU ministry; work alongside the ministry leader and a dedicated team of volunteers to implement amazing programs and engaging activities for elementary and high school aged youths. All through the programs you will be giving young people in the community opportunities to make positive choices in their lives, and introduce them to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. The ideal candidate will need to be organized and enthusiastic about changing the lives of youth in the community. The Support staff will participates in every aspect of La corde Youth Center programming; leading and supporting as required. Given the nature of the work and the clientele we work with ,the successful support staff will need to speak french and live in or close to the Cloverdale community.
$16.00 - $18.00 per hour